Sea moss for your inner and outer beauty.
Your outer beauty is a reflection of your inner beauty. Sea moss gel is packed with 92 out of the approximate 102 minerals and vitamins that can help you achieve the best you, naturally and holistically. Our sea moss gel is made from sea moss grown in the waters of St. Lucia. No additives, fillers, or preservatives. Take your sea moss gel daily and watch your belleza brilla.
*Benefits of sea moss include:
There are 92 of the approximate 102 minerals and vitamins in Sea Moss include:
Iodine, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Potassium, Iron, Sulfur, Folate, Manganese, Selenium and Amino Acids such as Laurine, and Vitamins A, B2, B12, C, D, F, K and so much more.
Add to smoothies, juices, coffee, tea, soups, sauces, oatmeal, batters, batters, yogurt, overnight oats, pudding. For full benefit of all the vitamins and minerals, sea moss has to offer, add to foods/drinks that are not heated. The possibilities are endless! Sea moss gel will create a thick consistency, making it great for thickening soups, batters, smoothies. Again with the endless possibilities!
Sea moss gel can also be used topically as a face mask and hair mask.
*FDA Disclaimer: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.
Disclaimer: We are not doctors, nurses, nor do we possess any professional medical or culinary certification. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant or nursing and to avoid any allergic reaction. If you have any health conditions or concerns, please contact your physical or health care provider. Always consult a physician or health care provider prior to changing your diet, exercise program, using any new products or supplement, stopping the use of any product or supplement.
Mi Belleza is small business based in Houston, Texas. It was established during the COVID-19 pandemic, but not due to the pandemic. Five years after life-changing health events, and deep understanding and personal study of a healthy plant-based lifestyle, we decided to establish Mi Belleza to educate others that the most important choice to fuel your outer beauty, is to naturally feed your inner beauty through natural plant-based foods. Personal experience has proved that your diet and quality matters to your inner self so that your outer self may shine.
In additional to our interest in bringing sea moss gel to you, we also provide essential oils to further your holistic lifestyle and encourage natural products for your outer shine.
Mi Belleza’s customers are those who are seeking support in their journey to better health. Whether they are vegan, plant-based, or omnivores, our customers are men and women seeking natural alternatives to include as a supplement in their diets to assist in improvement of their current ailments, maintain their healthy lifestyle, or aid in their fitness journey.
Bree Rodriguez Davis of Houston, Texas, and her mother have been plant-based for over 5 years. They enjoy experimenting with varieties of plant-based recipes and encouraging others how such lifestyle will assist in their improved health and ridding of ailments. Bree's passion for sea moss gel developed when she and her mother experienced the health benefits. After discovering how difficult it was to find good sources of sea moss, and in addition to sharing the benefits with others, she wanted to make it easier to help others access quality sea moss.
As it continues to grow, Mi Belleza looks forward to joining you in your journey to a beautiful and healthier you.
Hello Mi Bellezas! So many people have so many questions on how they can use their Sea Moss Gel, and are often stumped! After all, it is not a manufactured pill you just pop in your mouth. Noooo.... it is YOUR canvas and you can paint it however you want. Our blog is here to help you paint your canvas!